Learn Italian, love Italy

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Learn Italian, understand Italy and Italians, connect with your Italian heritage, explore Italian culture and lifestyle with our unique video lessons and textbooks. Our goal is to help you along your learning journey by providing accurate, authentic, and engaging content to learn Italian, with a cultural focus. You choose your level of involvement: watch our free video lessons on YouTube, join our circle of Italian lovers on Patreon and receive additional content and exercises every week, or sign up for 1-to-1 Italian lessons.

In the Learn Italian section of this website you will find hundreds of free video lessons that will help you make sense of Italian grammar, interactive speaking practice videos, hours of listening practice, videos to learn how to understand the news in Italian, and intermediate/advanced videos on Italian culture & society. You can also have a look at our Culture Topics section for quick reference guides on Italian art, history, literature, music, and cinema.

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel, and get in touch with us on social media. ISCRIVITI al nostro canale YouTube! Pubblichiamo un nuovo video ogni mercoledì.

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Watch our latest Italian lesson

Italian Speaking Practice video thumbnail

Ascolta e parla italiano! Italian Speaking Practice
Dove sono Arianna e Roberta? Cosa fa Paolo? In this new interactive conversation practice we listen to dialogues and sounds and comment on them in Italian. I'll give you the time to answer and repeat. Don't overthink, just speak!

You can download the transcript with translation of this video (and of all the videos we published so far) from Patreon for just $1.

There is also more listening and speaking content for our patrons.

Latest blog articles

NEW! Qual è la piazza più grande (e più bella) d'Italia?
di Genoveffa

How to Be Polite in Italian
The Present Conditional
by Anna

Non è la solita Toscana
Tuscany Off the Beaten Track
di Genoveffa

Ancora Sanremo?!
The 2025 Sanremo Music Festival
di Genoveffa

Ti sei lavato i denti?
How to Use Italian Reflexive Verbs
by Anna

Viva l'Italia!
The Subjunctive Mood in Italian
by Anna

Il borgo più bello d'Italia
Is this Italy's most beautiful town?
di Genoveffa

Learn Italian on Patreon

Latest Italian learning materials on Patreon

Do you want more than YouTube videos? Join the circle on Patreon to get additional Italian learning materials every week. Here we explain how Patreon works, and we list our latest Patreon content on this page.

A1 Italian Course

Corso di italiano A1 - A1 Italian Course for Beginners

Learning Italian from scratch? Looking to study Italian in a structured way and build a solid foundation? Our complete A1 Italian course takes you by the hand and guides you all the way to a pre-intermediate level.

Twenty lessons with audio, grammar notes, and exercises, featuring authentic everyday Italian and a variety of basic conversation topics, are available on Patreon as a post collection and on Amazon as eBook and paperback.

A2 Italian Course

Corso di italiano A2 - A2 Pre-intermediate Italian Course

Ready to make the leap from beginner to intermediate? Our A2 Italian course allows you to complete your grammar knowledge and enrich your vocabulary while improving your understanding of Italy and Italians.

Twenty lessons with audio, grammar notes, and exercises, featuring increasingly complex dialogues and texts on various cultural topics, are currently available on Patreon as a post collection.

Italiano avanzato - Advanced Content

La via italiana alla pubblicità

NEW! La via italiana alla pubblicità
Renzo Arbore, Nino Manfredi, Raffaella Carrà: volti famosi prestati alla pubblicità. Da Carosello a oggi, il modo di fare pubblicità in Italia.
Famous faces have been entering our homes since Carosello, making ads more friendly and familiar: is this the Italian way to advertising, and who are they? Advanced content with audio, glossaries, translation & exercises.

Agrigento capitale italiana della cultura 2025

Agrigento capitale della cultura
Un ricco programma di eventi culturali nel cuore della Sicilia, tra ritardi e polemiche. Leggiamo insieme due testi su Agrigento capitale italiana della cultura 2025.
Agrigento is the Italian capital of culture for 2025: will the city of the Valley of the Temples be up to the challenge? Let's read about the good and the bad of this appointment, with audio, glossaries, translation & exercises.

You can find all our advanced Italian content on this page.

Download our free Italian Grammar Basics PDF.

Download our free Italian Grammar Basics PDF
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Italian Textbooks

Italian Grammar

Clear your doubts with our concise grammar guide. Read a review on Daily Italian Words and download your free sample.

A1 Italian Course

Not sure where to start? Get our complete course for total beginners. Download a free sample to see if it's right for you.

Learn Italian with Art

Book & video course to improve your Italian in a different way. Learn more here and get the ebook or paperback on Amazon.

Italian for Musicians

Our music glossary will help you read and understand Italian as the language of music.

Italian Grammar - Concise and Clearly Explained
A1 Italian - Complete Course
Learn Italian with Art
Italian for Musicians - A Music Glossary

At no additional cost to you, we will earn a commission if you make a purchase on Amazon after clicking through the links listed above. This will help support the creation of our free content.

Featured Video Lessons

Italian Listening Practice for Beginners video thumbnail

A2 Listening practice: il Carnevale di Venezia
Venice Carnival has a special theme this year. What is it? Listen to our dialogues and answer my questions!

Easy News in Italian video thumbnail

Easy News in Italian
Read the latest news in Italian with me and expand your vocabulary. All in Italian, for beginners and beyond!

More Videos for YouFeatured Videos

Quick Links

Speak Italian

Beginners start here! Speaking practice, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, listening practice: all our videos clearly organised, with additional resources.

1-to-1 online lessons

Private tutoring is always the best way to learn a language, so get in touch to schedule a free trial lesson!

Join the circle on Patreon

If you'd like to show us some love, you can pledge a small amount on Patreon, where you can find new content every week. Here we explain how Patreon works.

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Send us an email if you have requests or suggestions, or if you need assistance or further information about our content.