Italian Listening Practice
How to get the most out of our videos:
- Listen a couple of times trying to understand the general meaning.
- Then listen again focusing on the parts that you had more trouble understanding.
- Listen again while reading the transcription. Isolate and learn the words you missed in the previous steps.
- Finally, listen without reading: you should now be able to understand much more.
If you find our videos useful, please SUBSCRIBE to our channel - it's all free! And please leave a comment on YouTube.
Dive straight in and watch the latest episode for beginners:
Looking for something more complex? Watch our Culture & Society videos and listen to our stories in Italian:
Easy Listening Practice for Beginners
The following videos all include 3 to 5 dialogues each and are targeted at beginners (levels A1 & A2). All dialogues include questions and sometimes a glossary. On the right you can find links to premium content for our patrons on Patreon: the video transcript with an English translation and additional listening content.
Video Lesson | $1 Tier | Upper Tiers |
A2 Listening Practice 4 - Il Carnevale di Venezia - Let's go to Venice Carnival together! | Transcript | Special PDF |
A2 Listening Practice 3 - Tu o Lei? Informal & formal conversational Italian | Transcript | Special PDF |
A2 Listening Practice 2 - Three dialogues about three Italian regions: can you guess what they are? | Transcript | Special PDF |
A2 Listening Practice 1 - Passato, presente, futuro: three dialogues about Artificial Intelligence, electric vehicles, and Italian-Americans. | Transcript | Special PDF |
A2 Listening Practice - Il giro del mondo: travel around the world with me and guess all the places we are going to. | Transcript | Special PDF |
Listening for Beginners 15 - Lavoro e vacanza: three new dialogues about work and holiday, with a touch of humour. | Transcript | Special PDF |
Listening for Beginners 14 - Sì, viaggiare! Aereo, treno o traghetto? In this episode we talk about travelling and means of transport. | Transcript | Special PDF |
Listening for Beginners 13 - Piccoli problemi quotidiani! Let's learn how to talk about little everyday issues, like a delayed train, a problem with a hotel room, or a steep restaurant bill. | Transcript | Special PDF |
Listening for Beginners 12 - In these three new dialogues, our characters discuss Italian films and TV shows. Can you understand what they are talking about? Have you seen any of these series? | Transcript | Special PDF |
Listening for Beginners 11 - Three easy dialogues with a sprinkling of colloquial expressions formed using pronominal verbs. We also learn what they are and how to conjugate them! | Transcript | Special PDF |
Listening for Beginners 10 - Listen to our characters talk about their winter holidays, with lots of comparatives & superlatives. | Transcript | Special PDF |
Listening for Beginners 9 - Four new dialogues about food, recipes, restaurant menus, likes & dislikes. | Transcript | Special PDF |
Listening for Beginners 8 - Listen to four of our characters describe their home: from Sandra's country house to Michele's elegant apartment, from Viola's condominium flat to Leonardo's semi-detached house in the suburbs. | Transcript | Special PDF |
Listening for Beginners 7 - Sandra and Viola finally manage to catch the train today. Where are they going? Let's listen and follow them through one of our favourite cities. | Transcript | Special PDF |
Listening for Beginners 6 - Five new dialogues about the heat, a restaurant reservation gone wrong, missed trains, and more! | Transcript | Special PDF |
Listening for Beginners 5 - Family, reservations, holidays, food and coffee: let's review! | Transcript | Special PDF |
Listening for Beginners 4 - Easy dialogues about food and grocery shopping. | Transcript | Special PDF |
Listening for Beginners 3 - New easy dialogues and clips from Italian TV. | Transcript | Special PDF |
Listening for Beginners 2 - More simple dialogues to test and improve your listening skills. | Transcript | Special PDF |
Listening for Beginners 1 - Five easy dialogues and film clips to start working on your comprehension. | Transcript |
Total beginner? Start here!
Listen to easy sentences grouped by topic or sound, starting with greetings and introductions. You will also learn the basics of Italian pronunciation.
Premium content for our patrons on Patreon:
$1 Tier: Transcript & Translation
$5 Tier and above: Special PDF
"Ascolta bene quello che ti dico!"
LISTENING is a fundamental component in the process of acquiring a new language, and should not be overlooked. Where to start? Our advice is to listen to something that is only slightly above your level: listening to material that is too advanced can be frustrating and confusing. Start with something you understand and move on gradually!
On our YouTube channel you can find:- Our Italian Listening Practice videos, listed on this page, which feature increasingly complex dialogues spoken at a natural speed, to help you pick up new colloquial & idiomatic expressions.
- Learn Italian with the News, where we discuss recent events in slow Italian using formal expressions commonly used by Italian media.
- Italian Listening Immersion, 30-minute-long videos where we read excerpts from literature in Italian for you, meant as a passive learning experience.
Intermediate Listening Practice: In giro per l'Italia
Segui la nostra amica Clara in 4 città italiane per ascoltare dialoghi più complessi e imparare espressioni utili per un viaggio in Italia.
The transcript and translation of these videos up to episode 3 is free. Premium content available on Patreon.

Video Lesson | Free | $5-10 Tiers |
Episodio 1 - Venezia - Clara arriva da New York all'aeroporto di Fiumicino. Riuscirà a prendere il volo per Venezia? E dove andrà poi? Seguiamola in giro per l'Italia! | Free Transcript | Special PDF |
Episodio 2 - Bologna - Clara va alla stazione di Venezia in vaporetto, quindi prende il treno per Bologna. Che città magnifica, e come si mangia bene! Seguiamola sul treno e in trattoria. | Free Transcript | Special PDF 1 Special PDF 2 |
Episodio 3 - Firenze - Finalmente Clara è arrivata a Firenze! Facciamo un giro per questa meravigliosa città e proviamo a comprare un biglietto per gli Uffizi. Quanta gente! | Free Transcript | Special PDF |
Episodio 4 - Roma - Eccoci nella capitale, la città eterna: Roma! Per cominciare, facciamo un giro sul bus turistico e facciamo colazione davanti al Colosseo. Che spettacolo! | Transcript & Special PDF |
Italian Listening Practice from Beginner to Advanced
Progressive listening practice from super easy sentences to more complex dialogues. Full of colloquial expressions to boost your conversational Italian! The transcript & translation of all these videos is FREE! Click on the links on the right to access premium content.
Video Lesson | Free | $5-10 Tiers |
Episodio 11 - Mega RIPASSO! In questo video ripassiamo tutte le espressioni colloquiali e i modi di dire che abbiamo sentito nei 10 episodi precedenti, e ne impariamo di nuove. Forza! | Free Transcript | Special PDF |
Episodio 10 - Cos'hanno fatto a Pasqua Anna, Debora e Michele? Anna ha il frigorifero pieno di avanzi! Intanto Viola e Sandra parlano di disastri in cucina e di un film in dialetto napoletano. | Free Transcript | Special PDF |
Episodio 9 - È quasi primavera e i nostri personaggi hanno voglia di passare del tempo all'aperto. Dove vanno Sandra e Viola? Intanto Anna e Debora pranzano insieme al bar e Michele è sempre alle prese con il suo cane. | Free Transcript | Special PDF |
Episodio 8 - Scopriamo chi passa a salutare Anna nel suo negozio oggi! Intanto Debora e Michele si incontrano casualmente per strada. Sandra e Viola vanno di nuovo al cinema, ma secondo Viola il film è un polpettone! :D | Free Transcript | Special PDF |
Episodio 7 - Anna è al lavoro e i suoi amici Debora e Michele passano a salutarla. Marina ha qualche problema con lo studio del francese, mentre Sandra e Viola si incontrano al cinema. Che film fanno stasera? | Free Transcript | Special PDF |
Episodio 6 - Anna e Michele si vedono al bar per parlare. Marina cerca consigli per migliorare il francese, mentre Sandra sogna di andare in Russia. | Free Transcript | Special PDF |
Episodio 5 - Perché Michele non risponde alle chiamate della sua amica Anna? E chi è Marina? Ascolta e rispondi alle domande! | Free Transcript | Special PDF |
Episodio 4 - 5 dialoghi con la spiegazione delle espressioni più comuni e con domande | Free Transcript | |
Episodio 3 - 3 dialoghi e 2 brevi letture, con domande | Free Transcript | |
Episodio 2 - 30 frasi e 2 dialoghi sulle vacanze estive | Free Transcript | |
Episodio 1 - 50 frasi di uso quotidiano | Free Transcript |
Italian Culture & Society Listening Practice
In the following videos we talk about various topics of interest - all in Italian with questions! Listen carefully and answer the questions out loud.
Click on the links on the right to access premium content. Some videos have a free transcript.