Learn Italian with Art

Book & Video Course for Late Beginners/Intermediate Learners

So you love Italy, and you like art... why not learn Italian through art? In this series we take you on a journey where you can enjoy the beauty of famous masterpieces and at the same time learn the language that you need to understand the description of a painting, a sculpture, or a building. This will enrich your expressive ability and take your Italian to the next level. Watch substantial samples of 4 lessons from our YouTube channel - there's a lot to learn!

Learn Italian with Art

In Lesson 1 we read an academic text in Italian about Sandro Botticelli and his masterpiece Nascita di Venere, we translate it into English and explain some useful vocabulary and the main grammar points.

Lesson 2 discusses the amazing Brera Madonna by Early Renaissance master Piero della Francesca. Did you notice the egg hanging from the ceiling? What does it mean? Find out about the religious symbols of this work and learn how to form and use present and past participles in Italian.

Learn Italian with Art

Lesson 3 is all about Raffaello's wonderful works. His iconic angels are part of pop culture. By discussing his relationship with our time, we learn about the Italian passato prossimo - a past tense that often implies a connection with the present.

Learn Italian with Art

Lesson 4 takes us to the dark alleys of Rome in the 16th century. Looking at Caravaggio's powerful works, we learn the words used to describe strong emotions and we discuss the Italian imperfetto, a tricky past tense that is often used incorrectly.

Learn Italian with Art

In Lesson 5 we describe the astonishing beauty of Michelangelo's David. Inspired by Greek and Roman classics, Michelangelo takes the art of sculpture to unparalleled heights. With the help of this masterpiece, we learn many new words and we unlock the secrets of the Italian past conditional.

Lesson 6 takes us to the most famous wedding feast in history: Wedding at Cana by Paolo Veronese. This gigantic painting covers an entire wall at the Louvre, and it's full of fascinating details. In this episode we learn new vocabulary and we discuss the tricky particle NE.

Get the full course

Learn Italian with Art includes 158 minutes of video content and a 183-page textbook.

Get the ebook or paperback edition with links to the complete videos on Amazon. The digital version is also available on Apple Books.


Guide to Italian Art